Since the last time I wrote - we had a major catastrophe. Our water heater busted at 2am a couple of weeks ago. Floors were ruined in two rooms and we are in the process of getting new carpet and flooring.
Emma Kate (our accident prone child) was in the bath tub the other night playing. Stood up to do something and fell and hit her head on the bath tub faucet. She is now the owner of a nice black eye. She thinks it is pretty cool and wants to tell everyone about it.
Caroline had a visit to her ENT yesterday. This was just for a routine check up to make sure her tubes are still in and doing the right thing. We are thankful to report that things look good for her. Now if we could only get her to say more words! :)
Maggie Ann had her 6 week check up yesterday. She is doing well and growing big. Those lungs may have had a hard time at the beginning of her life but they are working just fine now! She is now 10 pounds 8 ounces and 22 1/4 inches long. She is in the 90% in everything. (Looks like she is going to follow in her sister, Caroline's footsteps).
Brian and I continue to be okay. We are quite busy these days and sometimes barely have time to sit down and just talk. I am reminded each day that this i just a season of life and too soon it will pass!
Until next time......
1 comment:
The months following a new baby are always so busy! Be encouraged that this is just a season and will pass in time. Try to focus on the essentials- food & sleep & time in God's Word. Let everything else go! Seriously. It will be there when you return. :) Oh, and I know my mother would LOVE to come over and care for your littles so you could rest or do something- jsut ask her! :)
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