
As we approach Thanksgiving. I am reminded of so many things that I am thankful for. The list could go on and on but I will share a few of those things with you.

1. I am thankful for my Lord and Savior. Without Him I truly would be nothing. I am thankful that He chose to save me - a wretched sinner - to redeem and call His own. Thanks be to the Father for His works of mercy and grace in my life.

2. I am thankful for my husband. What a wonderful, godly man the Father has put into my life. He washes me in the water of the Word daily and is such a blessing to my life. I love you, Brian!

3. I am thankful for my children. Not everyone has the opportunity to be blessed with the gift of children. I am thankful to the Father that he gave me the opportunity to be a mother of my three precious girls.

4. I am ever so thankful for my church family and pastor. Week after week our pastor gets up unashamedly, without fail and preaches the Word of God. My church family encourage, loves and prays for me and my family. Praise be to God for leading us to Millbrook Presbyterian.

5. This year I am most thankful for the gift of health that the Father has bestowed upon our family. I am thankful that he chose to spare my sweet daughters life. I am also thankful that with the help of doctors we were able to diagnose my heart problems. I am thankful that those problems are not life threatening.

These are just a few things that I am thankful for. Again, the list could go on and on. I pray that this year, you may sit back and be reminded of what all you are thankful for as well.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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