For Today

July 21, 2010...

Outside my window... sun is shinning and it is HOT

I am thinking... about how I need to finish cleaning my house

I am thankful... our church family, my girls and my hubby

From the kitchen... pork chops and I don't know what else

I am wearing... khaki shorts and a grey t-shirt

I am going... to try to find a toddler bed and bunk beds

I am reading... "Mommy's locked in the Bathroom - Surviving your child's early years with your sanity and salvation intact!" by Cynthia Sumner

I am hoping... for a better afternoon with the girls (its been a day of wailing and gnashing of teeth)

I am hearing... peace and quiet

Around the house... there are piles of laundry waiting to be washed

One of my favorite things... hearing my little ones tell each other "I love you!"

A few plans for the rest of the week: teaching swim lessons, teaching mother's day out class and date night with the hubby!!

Until next time.........


Tully Family said...

Oh, yeah! I'm glad that you are doing this series of posts too. Is the book good? Never read that one before!

Mccollough said...

I love reading your "For Today" so I decided to do it myself. Yes, the book it good!! I am always looking for "discipline/child-rearing" books. If you have any suggestion - let me know. Hope you are well friend. Hugs.

Tully Family said...

ALL-TIME favorite is "The Little Book of Christian Character & Manners" by Dedrick.

We like "Standing on the Promises" and "Future Men" from Douglas Wilson.

Doorpost offers great aids to parenting.

Oh, and we are doing well. Thanks!