Happy New Year 2009

We have been so blessed in the last year - we can't imagine what the Lord has in store for us in 2009.  With a new year comes new changes.  We start off our new year with celebrating the birth of our oldest child, Emma Kate.  She will be 4 years old the end of January.  We can not believe how she has grown and that she will be 4 years old.  We sometimes look at each other and say "didn't we just bring her home from the hospital?"  We will continue to home school her - she loves being home to learn and loves her Mommy being her teacher.  Her ability to learn has exceeded our expectations and we will start kindergarten in a few weeks.  Sometime near the end of March we will, Lord willing, have a new addition to our family.  We are excited about the birth of our third daughter, Maggie Ann.  We can't wait to see what she looks like (even though we know she’ll probably look like Brian) and hold our precious little one that the Lord has entrusted in our care.  Caroline will be 2 years old in August.  "Sweet Caroline" doesn't even begin to tell you about her!  She loves her sister very much, she loves animals (especially puppies) and loves for you to just hold her and nurture her.  Brian and Michelle are keeping busy with church, work, teaching youth Bible Study, guitar lessons, teaching our children the ways of the Lord and just being Mommy and Daddy.  We look forward to a great 2009.  Happy New Year from our family to yours.


Brian, Michelle, Emma Kate and Caroline

Girl Time

I know, you are thinking "Girl Time!?! What other time is it in the McCollough household?"  Let me explain.  Brian and I have decided that our oldest daughter, Emma Kate, is old enough to start helping with some chores around the house.  We have made a chore chart for her and at the end of the week, if she has completed all of her chores, she will receive a reward.  Now, let me tell you, these chores are not anything hard. We are talking about cleaning up toys, helping to set and clear the table, taking the laundry to the laundry room, etc.  This morning was the first day that we started with the chore list/chart.  I can not tell you how thrilled I am that BOTH of my girls want to help.  Yes, I did say BOTH of my girls.  Even my 16 month old daughter, Caroline is eager to help!  Today is laundry day in our house.  I sorted the laundry and  then asked Emma Kate to please help me take the laundry to the laundry room.  She was very happy to help.  To my amazement, I turned around and there was Caroline carrying her part to the laundry room as well.  I can not tell you how thankful I am to be able to stay at home and teach my girls how to be good homemakers and to love the Lord and glorify Him (even through the housework) in everything you do.  I look forward to may more days of teaching them, not only their schoolwork, but also how to be godly women for Him!  
