Eventful Day

Yesterday was an eventful day.  I won myself a trip to the Emergency Room!  :(  After having heart palpitations on and off all morning long and feeling like my heart was going to beat out of my chest, Brian took me to the ER to get checked out.  They did an EKG, blood work, urine sample, thyroid test and monitored me for a while.  Come to find out I was having an anxiety attack. They gave me some meds for that and then sent me home.  I get the results from my thyroid test back today.  Everything else checked out fine!  What a LONG day.  I am thankful to the Father for keeping me safe. 


Hectic Life

I admit - I am having trouble keeping up.  There are sleepless nights which make for long days.  Adjusting to life with three little ones has and continues to be a difficult thing.  We just can't find out nitch in life yet.  I am certain it will come soon!  

Since the last time I wrote - we had a major catastrophe.  Our water heater busted at 2am a couple of weeks ago.  Floors were ruined in two rooms and we are in the process of getting new carpet and flooring.  

Emma Kate (our accident prone child) was in the bath tub the other night playing.  Stood up to do something and fell and hit her head on the bath tub faucet.  She is now the owner of a nice black eye.  She thinks it is pretty cool and wants to tell everyone about it.  

Caroline had a visit to her ENT yesterday.  This was just for a routine check up to make sure her tubes are still in and doing the right thing.  We are thankful to report that things look good for her.  Now if we could only get her to say more words!  :)

Maggie Ann had her 6 week check up yesterday.  She is doing well and growing big.  Those lungs may have had a hard time at the beginning of her life but they are working just fine now!  She is now 10 pounds 8 ounces and 22 1/4 inches long.  She is in the 90% in everything.  (Looks like she is going to follow in her sister, Caroline's footsteps).

Brian and I continue to be okay.  We are quite busy these days and sometimes barely have time to sit down and just talk.  I am reminded each day that this i just a season of life and too soon it will pass!  

Until next time......

Spring is here....Yahoo!

It has been a while since I have written.  I figured it was time to do an update, so here it goes!  :)

Spring is finally here and I have to say I am so glad.   This means warmer days and time to play outside.  We love being outside playing, riding our bikes, swinging or just going for family walks.  Thank you Lord for such a wonderful season!  :)

We celebrated our first Easter as a family of five.  What a joy to celebrate the life we have in Christ and teach our children the love He has for each of us.  

Maggie Ann is now one month old (I know - hard to believe, right?).  She is doing fabulous and continues to grow each and every day.  We are thankful for the great work that the Father has done and will do in her life.  

Emma Kate is the best big sister anyone could ask for.  She is so gentle and kind (when she wants to be) and is a great helper to Mommy.  She continues to do well in school.  She amazes me with her ability to pick things right up.  

Caroline is just like the song says "Sweet Caroline".  She doesn't FULLY understand the concept of being a big sister, but is getting there.  She talks to Maggie Ann (in her own little way) and likes to love on her (sometimes a little too rough).  She is learning animal sounds and new words each day.

Brian and I are staying busy with different things.  Brian is teaching Sunday School, teaching Jr. High youth on Wednesday eves, working full time and being a Daddy/husband.  He is great though - always has time for his family - no matter how busy or tired he may be.  The Lord has truly blessed our lives with him!   

I am easing back in the the photography business.  I miss it terribly!  I have a few things lined up before it gets too hot.  I am also staying busy with planning VBS, choir, photography and being a wife and mother.  I love my family so much.  I am thankful for the blessings of my children and my husband!  They are my heart. 

Well, that is what is going on in our lives at the moment.  I will try to update more in weeks to come.  Until next time.......


What I do NOT want for Mother's Day

A friend of mine had this on her blog and I thought this was funny.  However, I am right with her - I don't want this for Mother's Day - EVER!!!!!  :)



And the winner is...........

Several months ago I asked for those of you to let me know what you thought we would be having and what you thought the weight of our child would be.  As you know Maggie Ann weighed 7 lbs 10.5 oz when she was born.  We have two winners............

Eddie -  Girl/ 7 lbs 10 oz

LeeAnn - Girl/ 7 lbs 10 oz

You don't actually win anything but the satisfaction of knowing that you came the closest!  :)

Until next time.......

Party of Five

It has been almost a week since we brought Maggie Ann home from the hospital.  Our life has gotten a bit more hectic but we are thankful that she is finally home.  It has been great to see all of the girls get to know one another.  Emma Kate is such a big helper when it comes to Maggie Ann.  She brings me things when I need them and even keeps an eye on things for me whenever I have to walk out of the room for a few minutes.  Caroline thinks that Maggie Ann is a doll.  She loves to hold Maggie Ann and give her kisses and talk to her in her own little way.  Maggie Ann is growing well.  Today was her first checkup to the pediatricians office and she weighs 7lbs 15oz.  Our pediatrician is pleased with how things are going with Maggie Ann - to be honest, so are we! :)  We are all adjusting well.  We are thankful to have another child to raise to love the Lord with all of her heart, mind and soul.  

Until next time......