Happy New Year 2009

We have been so blessed in the last year - we can't imagine what the Lord has in store for us in 2009.  With a new year comes new changes.  We start off our new year with celebrating the birth of our oldest child, Emma Kate.  She will be 4 years old the end of January.  We can not believe how she has grown and that she will be 4 years old.  We sometimes look at each other and say "didn't we just bring her home from the hospital?"  We will continue to home school her - she loves being home to learn and loves her Mommy being her teacher.  Her ability to learn has exceeded our expectations and we will start kindergarten in a few weeks.  Sometime near the end of March we will, Lord willing, have a new addition to our family.  We are excited about the birth of our third daughter, Maggie Ann.  We can't wait to see what she looks like (even though we know she’ll probably look like Brian) and hold our precious little one that the Lord has entrusted in our care.  Caroline will be 2 years old in August.  "Sweet Caroline" doesn't even begin to tell you about her!  She loves her sister very much, she loves animals (especially puppies) and loves for you to just hold her and nurture her.  Brian and Michelle are keeping busy with church, work, teaching youth Bible Study, guitar lessons, teaching our children the ways of the Lord and just being Mommy and Daddy.  We look forward to a great 2009.  Happy New Year from our family to yours.


Brian, Michelle, Emma Kate and Caroline

Girl Time

I know, you are thinking "Girl Time!?! What other time is it in the McCollough household?"  Let me explain.  Brian and I have decided that our oldest daughter, Emma Kate, is old enough to start helping with some chores around the house.  We have made a chore chart for her and at the end of the week, if she has completed all of her chores, she will receive a reward.  Now, let me tell you, these chores are not anything hard. We are talking about cleaning up toys, helping to set and clear the table, taking the laundry to the laundry room, etc.  This morning was the first day that we started with the chore list/chart.  I can not tell you how thrilled I am that BOTH of my girls want to help.  Yes, I did say BOTH of my girls.  Even my 16 month old daughter, Caroline is eager to help!  Today is laundry day in our house.  I sorted the laundry and  then asked Emma Kate to please help me take the laundry to the laundry room.  She was very happy to help.  To my amazement, I turned around and there was Caroline carrying her part to the laundry room as well.  I can not tell you how thankful I am to be able to stay at home and teach my girls how to be good homemakers and to love the Lord and glorify Him (even through the housework) in everything you do.  I look forward to may more days of teaching them, not only their schoolwork, but also how to be godly women for Him!  



WOW!  It is Thanksgiving again.  I can't believe how fast this year has gone by.  As I look over the last year the Lord has reminded me of several things I am thankful for - I wanted to share a few of them with you.  I can not tell you how thankful I am for my husband.  Each and everyday he shows unconditional, selfless love for me and his daughters.  His time is very stretched, but each and everyday he always finds time for us to wash us in the Word, pray with and for us and just be a great daddy/husband.  My girls.....wow, how they have grown up.  I am thankful to the Lord that He has entrusted us with these girls.  I am thankful that I have the opportunity to homeschool our oldest child - I love watching her learn and yearn to do more each day.  I am thankful that Brian and I get to teach them the love of Christ and how to be godly women.  I am thankful for the trials that the Lord has allowed to come in our life.  Through those trials the Lord has taught us many things and we have grown so much.  Last but certainly not least - I am thankful for Christ.  It is only through His shed blood that we have life and life everlasting.  We hope that you have a great Thanksgiving holiday.  

(Brian, Emma Kate and Caroline)

And Her Name Is........

Hello everyone!  I know you all are dying to find out what our new baby girl's name is going to be.  After countless weeks of searching for the perfect name, Brian and I have finally decided and are ready to share. Our sweet baby girl's name is going to be Maggie Ann McCollough. So, how did we come up with this name?? All of our children are named after family members.  They are as follows:

Emma Kate 
Emma - was the name of Brian's great-grandmother (who passed away the spring before Emma Kate was born)
Kate - was a name that we just really liked

Caroline Yates 
Caroline - was the name of Michelle's great, great, great-grandmother
Yates - was Michelle's mothers maiden name

Maggie Ann
Maggie - was a name that we just really liked
Ann - is Michelle's first name

We are truly excited that the Lord has given us another opportunity to have a sweet little girl.  We can't wait until she arrives!


A New President

If I didn't tell you that I wasn't dissapointed in our president elect - I would be lying to you.  However, I am choosing to go a different route this morning.  God is NOT surprised by the new president of the United States.  In fact, HE put him there.  Although we might not be happy with the outcome - the Word of the living God tells us to "rejoice in all things".  As Brian and I were talking last night we came to this conclusion:  the Lord is soverign, HE is the same yesterday, today and forever.  This outcome of president is not going to change the way we live our lives - we will still pray, we will still spread the gospel and we will still teach our children the ways of the Lord.  I encourage you - instead of being grumpy - choose to rejoice and PRAY.  Pray that the Lord would guide the footsteps of our president elect and pray that the Lord might even change his heart.  Just rejoice and pray!


It's A Girl!

We went to the doctor yesterday for my 5 month checkup.  Everything is looking good - my blood pressure is still a little elevated, but not as bad as last month.  We also had an ultrasound.....come to find out we are having baby GIRL number three.  We are so excited.  The plan was not to tell the gender until the baby got here, but after finding out we were just about to bust.  We do not have any names for our sweet little bundle of joy yet, but we are working on it.  We are so thrilled that the Lord has given us another child to care for.  We are looking forward to the day that she arrives.  


The Joy of Homeschooling

I can not begin to tell you how proud I am right now!  We started homeschooling Emma Kate 3 months ago.  I love her eagerness to learn!  We do several different things for school.  We have a workbook for shapes and colors, one for numbers, one for letters and one for matching.  We also have book time - this is where I will read aloud to her a book and then she will pick some books out and go and sit in her room and "read" to herself.  We also are learning Bible verses and at night Brian gets to participate with homeschooling by asking the Children's Shorter Catechism questions as well as reading our new book "Pilgrims Progress".  Again, we have only been at homeschooling for 3 months.  Today we finished our shapes and colors workbook!  Emma Kate now knows all of her shapes and colors.  She can tell you what they are as well as match them to different things.  While we are out running errands she can also point them out to you. Although we haven't yet completed our letter workbook - Emma Kate knows all of her letters and the sounds that they make.  I am so thankful to have this opportunity with her - to watch her grow and learn.  I wouldn't trade this time with her for anything in the world.


Witch Hunt

The recent economic downturn has given liberal socialists an opportunity to brandish afresh their torches and pitchforks. Their passion is so great that many "conservatives" are being caught up in their frenzy. Witness the overwhelming passage of the Senate's bill to use my money to buy high risk assets from lenders who've already been all but sunk for holding them. The neat thing about this witch hunt is that the hunters actually discipled the witches, ratcheting down requirements of the Community Reinvestment Act and establishing quotas for the ensuing debauchery.

Witch hunters now proclaim that making money in America is evil. Indeed this is their battle cry. One only need watch a bit of the Senate Oversight Committees' interrogation of Lehman Brothers CEO, Richard Fuld. The back and forth can be summed this way, "Why did you make so much money?"

Turning to the witch hunters' messiah: a keynote of the Obama campaign is great social good through increased taxes on businesses and corporations [you know those entities that float around in the clouds]. It baffles me that Obama supporters somehow are oblivious to the economic impact of such an asinine plan.

Raise your hand if you work for a business! If taxes on that business increase, where will the money come from to pay those taxes? How about higher prices on goods sold by those businesses? That's also known as inflation. Yeah, that big, bad thing you're struggling with at the pump and check-out line right now. Oh yeah, here's the other option: decrease the cost of doing business by cutting salaries. That's called unemployment.

So what Obama proposes is higher taxes, higher inflation and higher unemployment. To help you cope with the higher cost of living that will result from his plan, and the job you don't have to pay for it, Obama and the Third Reich [read: Congress] will give you a monthly government stipend--which they will tax. If you invest, they will tax you. If you DIE, they will tax you. As a "patriot," or shall we say, loyal follower of the Fuhrer, you will graciously, no gratefully, comply. All this because wealth is evil!

We would rather have a nation of cow-towing servants with zero motivation to work, innovate, invest, create jobs or do anything else that will ultimately improve the social well being.

If you want to make money in this country and support the Obama-Biden ticket, you prepare your own stake. Save us taxpayers some money and buy your own matches!



Lately I have been struggling with LIFE in general. The Lord has placed me in a season where I am walking in the valley so to speak. This valley is filled with difficulty and heartache. Just today I told Brian that I was fed up with being in this season of life. I told him that sometimes I think "Okay God, that is enough!" Then I am reminded that HE has put me in this season for a reason. HE is not surprised at what I am going through or even how I feel. HE is sovereign and knows my thoughts before I even speak them to HIM. The Word tells us that HE is close to the brokenhearted. I am reminded that HE walks with me each day and helps me through these rough spots. I am thankful that I have a God that NEVER changes. HE is the same yesterday, today and forever. I am glad that I have a God that has walked where I have walked and who is Lord of all creation and sits on HIS throne in Heaven reigning over all.


Lessons Learned

Michelle and I are working through an interesting time with our oldest daughter Emma Kate. It's always surprising to hear what she says. When she speaks, we learn that she perceives and understands far more than we realize. Just yesterday I was browsing news articles on www.drudgereport.com when Emma Kate walks up. She looks at a picture of some politicians sitting around a table and said, "Is that John McCain?" I looked at the tiny image on the left-hand side of the article and indeed Mr. McCain was at the table. Michelle nor I have ever pointed him out to her. This provided me an opportunity to point out the bad guys in the picture as well: Schumer, Dodd, Obama, Pelosi! ; )

Another encouraging thing we are seeing in Emma Kate's life is her tenderness. She is beginning to understand those times when she needs to say she's sorry for things she's done without us prompting her to do so. I've been praying since Emma Kate was born that our Lord would put His Spirit in her and cause her to love Him more than her own life. Little things like uncoaxed repentance are incredible moments of encouragement that our great King is answering that prayer.

There are challenging times as well. Emma Kate often struggles when the wills of daddy and mommy differ from her own will, e.g., we want her to brush her teeth and go to bed; she wants to watch another episode of Little Bear. You know: it’s that struggle with submission to authority that we perfect as adults! :)

It struck me a couple of weeks ago as our pastor was teaching us about the pursuit of pleasure in Christ that I should check my discipline style. I confess that, out of frustration, I often default to a pop on the leg whenever Emma Kate's contumacious spirit rears up. There is certainly a place for corporal punishment, indeed a requirement. To sum Solomon here, "Better corporal young than capital when mature." Pastor Muzio's sermon caused me to realize though that God presents me with the promise of reward in harmony with the threat of discipline in my pursuit of Him. I want to model that for my children which means that I've got to balance the way I administer discipline.

Lately, instead of saying "Do this or you'll be punished," I say "Do this and you'll be rewarded." Emma Kate has responded quite favorably to this adjustment. Don't get me wrong, we haven't put the rod of discipline completely away, we are simply seeking to hold it with a velvet glove.


Fox News - Homeschooling

This is part of the America's Future series airing on FOX News Channel, looking at the challenges facing the country in the 21st century.

Homeschooling is no longer just an offbeat trend or an avant-grade educational choice. It is growing exponentially and its proponents are fighting for new legal rights in the U.S.

With more than 2 million homeschooled students in the United States, parents' reasons for opting out of traditional public school are as varied as their demographics.

"It used to be that homeschooling was the domain of people on the two extremes of the political spectrum, and now you have families from every possible religious, political, philosophical, socio-economic position," said Celeste Land, chairwoman of the Government Affairs Committee for the Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers. "You name it, we've got it."

Land says many parents who decide to take on home education come to the decision after realizing they want more for their children than school districts are required to provide by law.

It's also the law that presents some of the toughest challenges. States and school districts have a disjointed jumble of ordinances and measures that can make it tough for parents to know exactly what they are permitted to do as homeschoolers.

The situation has galvanized a nationwide movement. Legal fights to establish homeschooling rights have been launched from California to Pennsylvania. In most cases, Land says, parents are just looking for clarification.

"A family comes to us and says the school district is looking for more than the law requires or won't let them do something they want to do," she said.

Dawn Johnson, a mother of four, believes the challenges are well worth the payoff. "I don't think anything beats one-on-one tutoring, and I am allowed to talk and teach each of my children individually based on their strengths and weaknesses and learning styles," she said. "They're not held back by students in a classroom."

Her strategy appears to be working. According to Johnson, her children are now testing at two grade levels ahead of their age group. Socialization is also covered, with Johnson committing her children to activities from soccer to choir at least four days a week.

"They're probably more socialized than kids who go to school and see the same children every day because we're doing different things every day," she said.

As for financial considerations, many homeschooling parents believe the time and money they spend teaching from home is a bargain compared to private school tuition.

"You get to choose your own curriculum," said Johnson. "You can get everything free online if you want."

Some parents are also fighting for tax credits, since their tax dollars are paying for a system their children aren't using. Land says it's "very tempting" to look at education tax credits as an option for homeschoolers, but cautioned that the credits could come with strings attached, and could invite even more unwanted regulation.

Family Update

I can not begin to tell you how much I am enjoying homeschooling Emma Kate. She is a joy to teach and I look forward to our schooling together. She is such a smart child (no I am not just saying that because she is my child). We can be out running errands or driving to church and she will say "Hey Mommy, there is an Octagon" or "Hey Mommy, that light is green" I am just so proud of how well she is picking things up. Emma Kate is in the process of learning the Westminster Catechism for Children and is doing quite well.

Caroline has started to babble (although she thinks she can talk). It is fun watching her learn things as well. We will ask her questions like "Do you want some juice" and she will shake her head "yes" or "no". We can also ask her to go and get things and she will bring them back to us. The best thing is she LOVES to help unload the dishwasher! She helps take out the silverware and give them to me or Brian to put away. It is wonderful!

The girls are both getting along very well. They love to run up and down the hallway chasing one another. They love to turn around in circles until someone gets dizzy and falls on their fanny and then they bust out laughing. They love to dance with one another (and yes, Caroline can dance too). They both love to read and they love to play "horse or puppy" with Daddy. All in all they are really great kids.

Brian continues to stay a very busy man. Some days I wonder - how in the world does he just not fall out on the floor tired from all he is doing. Not only does he work full time and then come home and be a full time daddy, but he also is teaching guitar lessons, teaching jr. high youth on Weds/Sun, sometimes teaching adult Sunday School and leads worship in a group on Sunday evenings. I can't complain - although he is busy he always makes time for all of his girls - including Mommy! I think I have the best husband ever!!

Me - well, as you can see I am quite busy as well. Not only do I homeschool Emma Kate but I also run and play with the girls most of the day. I have learned to leave my housework - it will eventually get done, but time with my girls will fade! I also am very involved in church. I sing in the choir on Sunday mornings, lead worship in a group on Sunday evenings and teach a class on Sunday evenings. My photography business is going quite well. This is the first year that I have been booked almost 6-12 months in advance for some events. Right now my big project is taking photos for our church directory.

Well, I hope that you have enjoyed hearing from us - please let us hear from you all. Until next time......Michelle

Baby Fun

We asked each of you to let us know what you think the gender of the baby will be and how much you think he/she will weigh. Here are the results - you will find out when he/she gets here if you were right or not!

1. Brian....Boy - 7 lbs/ 10oz

2. Michelle....Girl - 7 lbs/6 oz

3. Emma Kate....Girl - "I think it will weigh $300.00" (HA)

4. Ann.....Boy - 8 lbs/4 oz

5. Les....Boy - 8lbs/2 oz

6. Eddie....Girl - 7 lbs/10 oz

7. April....Girl - 8 lbs

8. Karen....Girl - 8 lbs/7 oz

9. LeeAnn....Girl - 7 lbs/10 oz

10. Micah....Boy - 5 lbs/ 12 oz (I like how my brother thinks)

11. Gram....Boy - 8 lbs/ 2 oz

12. Tracey....Girl - 7 lbs/ 9 oz

13. Amy....Boy - 7 lbs/9 oz

14. Caleb....Girl - 6 lbs/9 oz

15. Aaron....Girl - 9 lbs

16. Dustin....Girl - 10 lbs (he first said 30-40 lbs - my brother is something else)

17. Diane....Boy - 8 lbs

18. Bryant/Jean....Boy - 8 lbs

19. Jenna....Girl - 8 lbs/4 oz

20. Mike....Boy - 8 lbs/2.5 oz

21. Cathy....Boy - 10 lbs

Boy - 10
Girl - 11

If you haven't given us your guess - please email Michelle and let her know so that we can update the totals. Thanks!

Life Lessons

Not every day can be a great day - we strive for great days, but sometimes you just have bad days. Today has not been a bad day, but it hasn't been a great day either. I have had to look for my strength in the Lord today while teaching Emma Kate. She is doing well in school and learning many new things, but has had quite an emotional day today. I think that this has to do with the fact that she has huge bug bites all over her legs which are causing a lack of sleep for her because they itch so badly. Today, as I was teaching her, I was reminded how the Lord must feel with us at times. He says, “Be holy as I am holy,” and we fail to fully pursue that command because we are tired, having a bad day, or come up with some other terrible excuse. I am glad that my Father knows what is good for me even when I don't always understand. It is my prayer that each of us will learn to lean more on Him - there we will find everything we will ever need and more.


Did you know?

Here are some intersting facts that I have come across. I thought you might enjoy them.

Thomas Edison quit school in elementary grades and was taught at home by his mom because the teacher had labeled him dumb!

Benjamin Franklin only attended school for two years, during which time he was considered exellent in reading, fair in writing and poor in arithmetic. He taught himself and became one of the best educated and most famous men in the world.

Abraham Lincoln's formal education consisted of about 18 months of schooling, but he was largely self-educated and an avid reader.

George Washington was educated in the home by his father and older brother.

Learning at Home

Hello Everyone! I just thought you might enjoy hearing a little about our homeschooling. Here are some things that we have been learning:

1. We are learning how to write the lower case letter "a". Last week we learned how to write the capital letter "A". Emma Kate is doing very well at writing her letters. She can also tell you what sound that the letter "A" makes as well as pick out things that start with the letter "A".

2. Last week we learned the number "1". This week we are learning the number "2". We have practiced writing these numbers, counting and picking one and two things out on paper.

3. For our Bible lesson today we learned about Adam and Eve. We learned that Adam was the first man and Eve was the first woman. We learned that Adam/Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit of the tree and suffered punishment for doing so. We learned the importance of listening and being obedient.

4. We have also learned about the Liberty Bell. Today we learned that it was the first symbol of freedom for the United States. We did a coloring sheet on it.

5. We have decided to do a unit study on the Olympics since they will be starting on Friday. Today we learned about the Olympic flag and what it looks like. We colored the flag the appropriate colors and displayed it. Throughout the week(s) of the Olympics we will be doing other activities to help explain what they are about.

6. One other thing that we do is book time. This is where I read to both of the girls. After I am finished Emma Kate picks out some books and goes to her room to read herself.

We are truly having a wonderful time and enjoying ourselves.

Until next time,

From Our Hearts to Your Homes

Welcome to the McCollough family blog. We decided to start the blog as a fun way to keep our family and friends up to date on our happenings. It’s a simple way to remind you that we are always appreciative of your prayers.

I know you’re wondering about the name of our blog, “The Boars’ Mite.” Well, the name sort of chose us. You see the last name, McCollough, actually means son of boar. Not that flattering I know. However, warriors throughout history have often utilized the imagery of the boar because of its reputation for tenacity and strength in battle. We like that imagery because, as you know, we are in a war.

I’m not speaking of the war in Iraq. The war I’m speaking of is the long struggle for biblical truth. Our family desire to be strong, tenacious warriors in this epic battle. As our dear brother John Calvin has said, “A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent."

Secondly, we chose the term “mite” not because we have a fondness for dust mites, but because it represents a small offering. This blog is our small offering to culture. Here, you’ll not only find ramblings about our lives, but also our musings about biblical truth and the cultural and spiritual issues that are facing our family and world. We hope you’ll always be encouraged, strengthened and provoked to godliness by what you find posted.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all,

Happy 1st Birthday, Caroline!

This year has flown by - we can't believe that Caroline is one-year-old! We had a very small party for her. She wasn't too thrilled about her cake or the fact that it made her messy. She loved her toys (as did Emma Kate). We hope that you enjoy the photos!

Homeschool 101

We have started homeschooling our oldest daughter, Emma Kate. She is in pre-school. We have had a fantastic week. Emma Kate has amazed me with her ability to pick up things so quickly. She loves being schooled at home (I have to admit, I love it too). I am so blessed to have this opportunity with her.

Today I asked her to do her worksheet on the letter "A". I told her that I needed to go and tend to our one-year-old, Caroline. If she needed me I asked her to say "Mommy could you please come and help me". She assured me that she could do it all by herself. I went into the other room to tend to Caroline. A few minutes later I heard, "Mommy could you please come here?" I told her that I would be right there. As I walked into the room, I noticed her holding her paper high. It was done and done CORRECTLY! I was so proud of her!

Another time today we were sitting down learning our days of the week. As we were reciting them, my youngest daughter, Caroline, came in. I was expecting her to be rowdy and loud, but instead she very quietly sat down next to me and simply listened.

I am so thankful that the Lord has given me the opportunity to school our children at home - teaching them the ways of Christ, to love Him, serve Him and glorify Him in all things.

Until next time,