Homeschool 101

We have started homeschooling our oldest daughter, Emma Kate. She is in pre-school. We have had a fantastic week. Emma Kate has amazed me with her ability to pick up things so quickly. She loves being schooled at home (I have to admit, I love it too). I am so blessed to have this opportunity with her.

Today I asked her to do her worksheet on the letter "A". I told her that I needed to go and tend to our one-year-old, Caroline. If she needed me I asked her to say "Mommy could you please come and help me". She assured me that she could do it all by herself. I went into the other room to tend to Caroline. A few minutes later I heard, "Mommy could you please come here?" I told her that I would be right there. As I walked into the room, I noticed her holding her paper high. It was done and done CORRECTLY! I was so proud of her!

Another time today we were sitting down learning our days of the week. As we were reciting them, my youngest daughter, Caroline, came in. I was expecting her to be rowdy and loud, but instead she very quietly sat down next to me and simply listened.

I am so thankful that the Lord has given me the opportunity to school our children at home - teaching them the ways of Christ, to love Him, serve Him and glorify Him in all things.

Until next time,

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